Online Video Marketing

Ready to launch an online video marketing campaign, but not sure where to start? Maybe you don’t have the budget or the time. Maybe you need help with multiple platforms. Or perhaps you just don’t have the technical know-how! Adtwixt is a solution that can make your ads stand out on any platform.

● Fully automates your video marketing
● Easy to use for beginners
● Publish to multiple platforms
● Increase your click-through rates
● Built-in analytics

Adtwixt fills a market gap.

We provide more support than do-it-yourself apps that require a lot of technical know-how. But we’re more affordable than full-service agencies that cost an arm and a leg to hire.

With a suite of affordable scroll-stopping ads, Adtwixt will help you make your product shine and increase your click-through rate. Final results come as a one-click bulk upload that includes your full campaign, including UTM dynamic parameter tags customized for social and search engine ad platforms. Let Adtwixt do the work for you!

Why Video Ads?

Video ads give you the jump on your competition. Videos supercharge your ad campaigns, turning your copy and visuals into eye-catching experiences.

A video stops the scroll, captures your audience’s eye, and converts them into customers. Once you have their eyes, your clever copy gets the click!

Professional-looking videos build trust with your customer base and keep them coming back for more. Online video marketing is the top way to increase click-through rates and optimize your ad campaigns.

How Does Adtwixt Optimize My Online Video Marketing?

Reduce your time spent on campaign management and get professional results quickly. Adtwixt takes all the work out of your online video marketing. We have the technical expertise to promote your product so you can do what you do best – keep creating!

Adtwixt provides a full suite of options to choose from and customize. Drag and drop your content and visuals into the formatted video, and in seconds you have a complete ad campaign ready for release.

Adtwixt gives you a unique advantage by providing a full campaign available in one simple download. Connect to Google Analytics to quickly analyze creative performance and search keywords.

Publish Anywhere

With our highly flexible options, you can publish your Adtwixt videos almost anywhere online. Visuals are optimized for mobile and run seamlessly on any device. You can easily track the success and click-through rates of each ad and increase your success over time.

Get started today by exploring our extensive online video marketing collection.

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